Driving Green - A Breath of Fresh Air

Our site is dedicated to providing current economical and environmental information to the public regarding alternative fuel vehicles such as CNG (compressed natural gas) and electric.   Whether you are considering purchasing an alternative fuel vehicle or simply want to learn more about them in the face of ever-dwindling natural resources and dependency upon foreign oil supplies, our website has been developed to help you navigate through the myriad of potential questions and concerns from wheel-to-well analysis, refueling/recharging challenges, costs, safety concerns and logistical complexities.

The Obama administration has made electric vehicles a centerpiece of its drive to reduce the nation’s reliance on oil and is pumping up government subsidies with a goal of getting a million electric cars on the road by 2015. Proponents of electric cars also point to their zero tailpipe emissions although the electricity to charge these cars creates emissions through the burning of petroleum and petroleum products, specifically coal. 

What about CNG? The United States has an abundance of natural gas and natural gas is much cheaper than other forms of burnable fuels. It is easy to compress and safe ways to compress and store it exist currently. With this said however, significant infrastructure would need to be developed to take advantage of CNG fuel sources.

Our site provides a comprehensive comparison of both CNG and electric vehicles and attempts to impart a consumer driven analysis as to which fuel source would be best supported by available natural resources if 10% of all vehicles on the road were fueled by either CNG or electricity and of course, which one more effectively reduces society’s carbon footprint?

It is our objective and hope that you find our website compelling, informative and fun!