Driving Green - A Breath of Fresh Air
As a class at Portland State University, we are diverse in not only ethnicity, age and sex but we also differ in opinion. This page contains some of the student views on the topic: Compressed Natural Gas Vehicles or Electric Vehicles, which is the best option? Read some of the different viewpoints below!

I think electric cars are the prefferred choice over CNG. Not only is the idea of an electric car cooler, but you get to drive around without contributing any carbon emmissions locally. The air of the place where you live will be cleaner. I also don't like the idea of adopting CNG because that would contribute even more to an insular America. I say we join the world community. Israel, Germany, Japan, and China all have adopted the electric vehicle and contribute to the growing market. If former enemies can decide collectively that this is a good idea, why shouldn't we? The electric car has already been the defacto standard in many other countries, including poorer ones, for some time.

Electric cars are looking better every day, and with the added support of large manufacturers, political allies, and the public, it looks like they will be here to stay. Owning an electric car is a significant step in joining this new world. As we move away from coal to other sources of energy for producing electricity, I believe the electric car will become the de facto gold standard in transportation and reduced carbon emmissions. You don't have to wait for all this to happen. Membership in what will likely be an inevitable outcome is available to the consumer--Today.

To the intrepid, environmentally-conscious individual, I say...Go for it!
 - Richard Vidal

I am in agreement with Richard.  Electric cars represent a shift toward a truly sustainable culture.  CNG has its merits but natural gas is limited in the same way that petroleum is limited.  They degree to which we consume natural resources is growing and although we are taking steps to reduce that growth, the inevitable outcome to changing to a CNG fleet is the same as if we were to do nothing.  CNG and coal, like petroleum, will run out.  To expect that CNG and coal will sustiain us into the future indefinately is the definition of ignorance.  We cannot continue to do the same thing and expect a different result.  With electric vehicles we at least have the far future option of powering or culture on energy that is delivered as long as the wind blows, the sun shines and rivers continue to run.
- Ben Wutzke

I also prefer electric cars. 

The only thing I want to add is about the price. I think CNG is also limited in the same way that petroleum is limited.  So it will be hard for CNG to get cheaper. I posted a blog which is about making an electric car cheaper through cutting the price of battery cost. I think it's a really good opinion. And the result is foreseen.
- Jie Ji

I'm leaning towards CNG as a better alternative to petroleum than electric cars. Methane is what we call Natural Gas and this can be produced by collecting and refining the decomposing waste. Today landfills are powering town around the world. 40% of the gas produced by the landfill is methane and can be refined and transported directly to homes via the pipeline infrastructure already in place. In Tillamook dairies are powered by the methane that the cows excrement produces. Like electric cars CNG cars have about a 100-200 mile per fill-up or charge making them idea for local travel but not long distances. The development of a quick charge battery will take longer to develop than to provide fill stations along highways for CNG. CNG fuel providers could be put in place just by governments providing subsidies or incentives. Additionally methane is charged with effecting the environment when it is released into the atmosphere, it is a greenhouse gas. Methane has a much much smaller effect when it is burned. CNG cars burn methane. Electric cars are primarily run on electricity that is produced by burning coal, which not only releases CO2 into the atmosphere but the digging for coal releases unburned methane into the atmosphere. Electric cars are great but CNG cars are a better choice and if we are to pick one I pick and encourage everyone to pick CNG.
- Milton Barnes

I also prefer the CNG cars. By using natural gas, the CO2 emissions could be reduced. Natural gas will be the future, and it will replace coal as the leading source of electrical power in the United States. Electric cars are run on electricity that produced by burning coal now, but coal will be replaced by natural gas in the future, as a result the electric cars are likely to indirectly get much of the juice they use to charge their batteries from natural gas. Although both electric cars and CNG cars will need natural gas to run, I think the CNG cars are more convenient because they can use natural gas directly. So I will choose CNG vehicles by myself and I will also recommend other to choose CNG.
- Xiaoting Wu